After being COVID-free for almost a year, the new cases came as a shock to us all. But we all understand that this lockdown was necessary to get rid of the virus on the island. Use this valuable time to improve yourself; and what better way than through fun activities?
TIP 1: make your own board game
With a homemade board game, you are sure to impress your family during the next game night. But before you can reveal your masterpiece, you will have to develop the fundamental parts like the goals and rules. Don't know where to start? Let us help you:
TIP 2: improve your international cooking skills
If there is one thing we all benefit from, it's cooking! And of course, you can learn a new recipe, that's not so hard. But why don't you act a little crazy and learn a completely out-of-your-comfort-zone international way of cooking? For example, have you ever made a popular Russian recipe? Be creative with potatoes, onions, beets and cream finished with ice-cold vodka or champagne... We know we haven't!
TIP 3: Be creative with Tiktok
We have all heard about the platform Tiktok. If you think that only teenagers use this platform, you are wrong. Not only is it used for entertainment, but it is also used for education and promoting businesses. And all of that in a fun way. Try it; you might find people who enjoy your authenticity and weirdness. Plus, you can always make your account private. Here is a list of fun activities you can do with Tiktok:
TIP 4: learn calligraphy
Sometimes you need to get your mind off the daily stress and we know a perfect way to do so. Calligraphy is relatively easy and affordable. Who knew that writing letters could be relaxing and helpful for anxiety? The only thing you need is a good set of brush pencils and some worksheets, and off you go. There are many websites where you can download (free) calligraphy worksheets that you can print. Do you want to see how others do it and learn new techniques? Try the hashtags #calligraphy, #handlettering or #brushlettering on Instagram or Tiktok and get your inspiration!
TIP 5: get organised
Do you like a clean and organised house, but your pantry is still a mess? Is it because you don't know where to start or you couldn't find the time? We could not relate more. But since you have plenty of time now, start by watching the Netflix original series 'Get organised with the home edit'. Trust us, after watching this; you are ready to strip your pantry and give it back some life and structure. But to make it easier, here are some great step-by-step tips for organising:
By Franka Dulleman - Event Intern